i3D MFG Services Request a Quote

About i3DMFG™ - 3D Metal Printing

i3DMFG Company

At I3DMFG™, we love the Pacific Northwest lifestyle. We fish, hunt, ranch, ride, bike, hike, and run. We savor Tillamook cheese, Dungeness Crab, Columbia Gorge cherries & pears, Pendleton whiskey, regional wine and craft brews. We serve our country and community in the National Guard, Little League, PTA, and local STEM classes. We have tradition, roots, and loyalty.

Those same personal values translate 1:1 to our business. Our customers and the 3D manufacturing industry are our passion. We value local, regional, and U.S. partnerships and products. i3DMFG™ evolved from a desire to connect small and medium-sized businesses with 3D technology that enables cost-effective, small batch U.S. manufacturing of complex and high-value parts. We are our customers’ pathway to disrupting their markets.

i3DMFG™ opened in 2013 and started with one EOS M280 Direct Metal Laser Solidification (DMLS®) machine, and we have grown to 12 machines including 2 EOS M400.4 production DMLS® machines and our newest addition the EOS M300.4.